DG Goods

DG Goods

Freight Options Limited (FOL) is a logistics company that specializes in the transportation of hazardous goods worldwide. We focus on all 9 classes of dangerous goods and provide a complete dangerous and hazardous goods logistics service.


Dangerous Goods’ are materials or items with hazardous properties which, if not properly controlled, present a potential hazard to human health and safety, infrastructure and/ or their means of transport.

The transportation of dangerous goods is controlled and governed by a variety of different regulatory regimes, operating at both the national and international levels. Prominent regulatory frameworks for the transportation of dangerous goods include the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, ICAO’s Technical Instructions, IATA’s Dangerous Goods Regulations and the IMO’s International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. Collectively, these regulatory regimes mandate the means by which dangerous goods are to be handled, packaged, labelled and transported.

Regulatory frameworks incorporate comprehensive classification systems of hazards to provide a taxonomy of dangerous goods. Classification of dangerous goods is broken down into nine classes according to the type of danger materials or items present, click on a class to read more details;

Industries served

Industries served

Discover information about transporting and shipping dangerous goods, including hazardous chemicals and sensitive products. Learn the safety measures needed to keep your shipment secure.

Security from Start to Finish

Every supply chain is unique, and so are your business requirements. We understand it, which is why we are committed to being an integrator of end-to-end logistics services. This implies offering different solutions that can cater to your every individual supply chain need. Experience the comfort of end-to-end deliveries with just a single partner, and make your supply chain work to your competitive advantage.